b) How does building belong to dwelling?
"dwelling and building are related as ends and means"_
(pt.1 pg.2)
The common relationship between dwelling and building are that in order for man to dwell we must build. We do not think of ourselves as inherently dwelling. For one reason or another man must produce a 'thing' as set apart from the world in which to dwell. Heideggers' point in this statement is that this common paradigm is inherently wrong. That we as humans by inhabiting this earth are, at all times, dwelling. This is further explained in the following quote:
"For building is not merely a means and a way towards dwelling - to build is in itself already to dwell" _
(pt.1 pg.2)
Heideggers' illustrates his point by arguing that we are born inhabiting what he calls 'the fourfold'.

1. Earth is the serving bearer, blossoming and fruiting, spreading out in rock and water, rising up into plant and animal. When we say earth, we are already thinking of the other three along with it, but we give no thought to the simple oneness of the four.
2. The sky is the vaulting path of the sun, the course of the changing moon, the wandering glitter of the starts, the year's seasons and their changes, the light and dusk of day, the gloom and glow of night, the clemency and inclemency of the weather, the drifting clouds and blue depth of the ether. When we say sky, we are
already thinking of the other three along with it, but we give no thought to the simple oneness of the four.
3. The divinities are the beckoning messengers of the godhead. Out of the holy sway of the godhead, the god appears in his presence or withdraws into his concealment. When we speak of the divinities, we are already thinking of the
other three along with it, but we give no though
t to the simple oneness of the four.
4. The mortals are the human beings. They are called the mortals because they can die. To die means to be capable of death as death. Only man dies, and indeed continually, as long as he remains on earth, under the sky, before thee divinities. When we speak of mortals we
are already thinking of the
other three along with it, but we give no thought to the simple oneness of the four.
Mortals are in the fourfold by dwelling.

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